Today, the Society of Motor Manufacturers (SMMT) has revealed its monthly figures report for what types of vehicles have been sold in the UK. The latest data covers 2024 to date and also the month of May as a whole. Some of the headline figures are that sales of pure combustion cars are down, with diesel falling the most since the month before. Sales of petrol cars are also down but electric vehicles (EV) are up by 6.2% and now make up 17.6% market share. Sales of other plug-in-hybrid cars (PHEV) are also up as are standard hybrid (HEV) models.

When looking at the total year to date, we see that 133,062 EVs have been registered meaning that EV sales in 2024 are so far 10% higher than the same point in 2023. Diesel is sitting on 55,524, which is 11% down from this point in 2023. Petrol is up however for the YTD by 5%, with 462,860. Plug-in-hybrid cars (PHEV) sales for YTD are up by 31% with 64,918.
Source: SMMT